It has been a roller coaster ride with everyone and I am excited but a little upset to see it end. These past 8 years as a student at Hynes and Golf have been stressful but also fun. I know I will always remember the day I walked into Kindergarten to the day that I walk out of 8th grade. All of my friends and teachers made me the person that I am today and I thank them for that. I wish that everyone keeps tabs on each other, whether they are going to Niles North or not. I know I will try to keep as many friends from golf as I can. I remember gym classes with Mrs B or the famous american presentation in Mr G's class to robots in tech or the Spanish video project. One of my favorite things at golf was the sports. All 3 basketball seasons were filled with hard work, effort, and team. Both volleyball seasons were also very exciting filled with hard work, effort and team. I hope everyone has a great life and have successful careers.
Thank you.
All the best to you in high school!