This post is no ordinary post. This is a free blog post which means I can write about whatever I want. Today I would like to talk about the movie Deadpool. Deadpool is a highly inappropriate movie that has sex, drugs and swearing and that is exactly why it is such a funny, amazing and cool movie to watch. In the beginning his real name is Wade Wilson. He was like a hit man but for good. He soon found out that he had cancer and some man in a suit offered him a chance to cure his cancer and give him extraordinary abilities. He then decides to leave his girlfriend to fix him but it is way different than what this man in the suit said.
There was a doctor named Francis who ran the operation and told him that they were looking to make superhuman slaves. Wade was put in this capsel that lowered the oxygen levels in the capsel and started to mutate. When this lady tried to fix his neck strap, he headbut her and as a result he was sent back into the capsel. But what they didnt know was he took one of the matches from her and had it in his mouth. He then took it out and lit it and threw it by the oxygen vents and ended up blowing up the capsel. But since he was turned into this superhuman, he could not die. Then Francis came downstairs and realized that Wade was gone and then they had this huge fight scene. Francis stuck a metal pole through Wade and was left there. Francis also had extraordinary abilities but it didn't make him look like an avocado had sex with an uglier avocado like Wade did.
After some time passed he pulled himself out of the rubble and he went to go see his buddy from the bar. Thats where they came up with the name Deadpool. Deadpool then killed many of the people working for Francis trying to find him and finally ended up finding him by finding the man in the beginning of the movie in the suit that gave him this opportunity. Those were all flashbacks to when deadpool killed a bunch of men on the highway looking for Francis and eventually got to him and stabbed a sword through him and was about to kill him when 2 people that were heroes, a man made of steel and this girl who can blast sonic blasts. They told him that this was no way to be a hero and Wade told them he wasnt a hero. They tried to handcuff him but he cut his hand off and fell into a dumpster.
He was taken all this way to an old ladies house that he met and stayed there until his hand grew back. Since he showed Francis he was still alive, Francis targeted wades girlfriend and took her hostage. When Wade realized this. he supplied on all the guns he could get to and brought along the 2 heroes. He ended up forgetting the bag of guns in the taxi and had to go old school with his swords.
While Deadpool was killing a bunch of guards, The girl with the sonic boom thing and the man made of steel were fighting this really strong girl. Then a bunch of stuff happens and Deadpool kills Francis and saves his girlfriend and they live happier ever after.
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