About Me

Friday, February 3, 2017

3 goals i would have as POTUS

3 goals I would have as POTUS would be better school education, reduce violence and no more homeless people. What i mean by better school education is you learn the basic stuff you need to know from preschool to 5th grade then you can choose the types of classes you want. For example instead of being forced to learn scientific notation which you don't need to know (unless you want to do something related to it then you do need it) you can take something like geometry or algebra. And this applies to all subjects like Science, History, P.E ect.
There are a huge variety of ways to reduce violence but i would start with guns. A lot of people are killed with someone shooting them with a gun. In order to reduce the way people are killed with guns is by giving a gun license who have a clean record of no assault or violence or theft and they need to have a certain amount of years with experience with guns to receive their license.
And the last goal i would like to achieve is to get all homeless people a home. I can achieve this by setting up care homes that allow all the homeless to sleep there and get served 3 meals a day until they can pick themselves up and start making their own money and being able to live in their own place.
Those are my 3 goals i would have if i became POTUS.